July 13th 2024 – DCU SPorts Complex
Event Details
Date: Saturday, July 13th 2024
Time: 08:00 – 17:00
Location: DCU Sports Complex, Dublin, IE
Format: Teams of 2, Mixed-Pairs (Male + Female)
About: The Invitational is our brand new event for the Summer of 2024. There will be four challenging and fun workouts to complete on the day, covering all domains from strength and power to endurance and skill. Athletes can choose from Scaled (beginner), Intermediate, RX (advanced), Masters (35+), and Vet (45+) categories. The motto of all Poseidon Series events is ‘do it with a smile’, as we believe fitness events should be fun for everyone, regardless of which division you choose!
Price: €185 per team. Purchases can be split into two instalments, 50% at registration and a second instalment on 01/03/2023. Sign up using the button below.